Fuel Tank for 50cc QMB139 Sunny Style Scooters
Fuel Tank for 50cc QMB139 engine based Sunny style scooters.
Some common models with this body style are: TaoTao ATM50, TaoTao Pony 50, TaoTao Speedy 50, Baotian BT49QT-9, Boom BD50QT-9A, JM Star Sunny 50, Jonway Beta 50, Jonway YY50QT-6, Longbo LB50QT, Roketa Maui 50, SunL SL50QT-7, Tank Urban 50, Motorino Allegro 50, Xingyue XY50QT-15, Gator S1 50, and more!
Overall Length: 9 inches
Overall Width: 12 inches
Overall Height: 8 inches
Fuel Valve Outer Diameter: 16mm
Mounting Hole Distance: 10.5 inches front and 9 inches rear
Capacity: 1.32 gal.