Torque Converters

4 Models of TC2 30 Series Kits for Go Karts and Mini Bikes
30 Series, GTC TC 30 Series Torque Converter Kits are self-contained Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) systems that bolt onto the engine with a supplied mounting plate. GTC Torque Converters Triple the Power, Speed and Acceleration of your Gokart, Minibike.

TC2 Model 1001 and 1002 are for engines with a 3/4" crankshaft, and Models 1003 and 1004 are for engines with a 1" crankshaft

20 Series GTC 20 Series Torque Converters use a larger Symmetrical belt which substantially improves the performance of the system, especially in where added torque is required without belt slippage (Symmetrical)
40 Series GTC 40 is a Mid-Range Torque Converter designed for applications up to 18 Horsepower. GTC 40 is Fully Compatible with Comet* 40 Series and is appropriate for applications requiring more torque than GTC 20 or 30, but below the requirements of GTC 94 or 102

GTC Torque Converters and parts, fully compatible with comet.

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